Hook & Loop is the internal design shop for Infor

H&L is creating B2B software that is user friendly and thoughtfully designed.

B2B software has a long standing reputation of being incredibly complex and difficult to use.This lead to the creation of Infor Rhythm. An engagement platform created for B2C spaces for commerce, stores, and the public sector. The focus of the platform I worked on was in the stores & commerce.

The Problem: 

How might we:

Engage internal stakeholders & employees in big box retail and create a connection between them and their clients?

The Solution:

A tablet and responsive application that will:

Encompass the day to day tasks that need to be completed by internal stakeholders, Metrics and Important Tracking Information, and live in-store client engagement. 

My Role:

My role on the development of this product was a hybrid role of both Project and Product Manager.

While I was in charge of managing the team that was building the platform I also had to manage the overall direction the product was going; identifying how it would fit into the existing market and how the product would evolve with trends and emerging technologies. 

One of the biggest challenges when building a Software as a Service platform is managing and prioritizing the various asks of both internal stakeholders and clients. It's important to protect your team's time as well as establish guidelines and expectations to make progress not only on the development of the product but also the unique needs of clients. 

Building with the future in mind is key in this software space. In the time I worked at H&L we developed a custom end to end enterprise solution with DSW that connected inventory management functionality, sales and metrics tracking, task management and employee dashboards, and customer interactions into one application.

With the implementation of this application in partnership with Infor, DSW now stands to increase productivity and create efficiencies internally while also interacting with customer in new and unexpected ways.